About me

I was a Cursed one, a Failure in Life and One BIG Mistake of the Creator. I hadn’t any Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self control and so on. All I'd is Problems, Fear, Sexual immorality, Curses, Idolatry, Sickness, Addiction, Tradition, Anger, Inferiority complex, Depression, Stress, Accidents, Vagabond, Shocks and so on. I hadn’t Answers for Who am I? And why am I here in this world. At these Situations I’m totally Lost and became Dreamless and Hopeless. The only Choice before Me is to ‘End This Life’.

On these situations, I came to know about a Special God called Jesus Christ. I Decide to "TRY JESUS". I realized that the reason for all my Problems is because I'm a SINNER. I Welcomed Jesus into my life and Accept him as My SAVIOR and GOD. Jesus accepted me and Came into My Life and Cleanse All my Sins with His Precious BLOOD. With my relation with Jesus, I realized that I’m a Son of God, A Saint, A Beloved SON, A Righteousness, A Co-Laborer of God, A KING, The LIGHT of this Dark World, I RE-PRESENT God On Earth, I’m Who I’m and so on. Now all I’ve is Full of HOLY SPIRIT, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self control, Truth, Confidence, and Courage and blessings.

And now, the Only CHOICE Before Me is to Go and Preach this Wonderful GOSPEL to Every Creature.