Post Your Question

You can post your question as a comment in this page. When you are asking a question, please explain it simply along with the necessary things related to it. Some sample question models are shown below.

Question Model 1:

Why do people in a church are classified as full-time and part-time ministers? What is the difference between them? Which one among this is greater?

Question Model 2:

Why don't people like me? Okay, so I'm a girl, I look human, I don't smell, I smile at people, I don't talk about myself much. Yet, people don't talk to me. I don't really know what I'm doing wrong.Everyone that I do know say that I'm a very sweet person, but when I enter a room with people I don't know everyone seems to talk to each other and I sit with no one to talk to. (the other people don't know each other) Is there something about certain people that doesn't make you want to talk to them? I'm so confused, any help?

Question Model 3:

If I am a good person, consciously don't try to cause none harm, I do not steal, I go out of my way to help anyone in need, yet do you believe I will go to hell for not believing in god, I deserve to go to hell for simply not believing in god? Can good works be a remedy for not believing in God?

* Please don't ask any rubbish questions.
* Almost all your questions will be answered. But publishing the question and answer in the blog is up to me considering its benefits and importance. So don't forget to add your e-mail id with the question.


  1. Can you please help me get answers for these questions.

    What should be the role of a good pastor, youth pastor, women pastor, in the church of God? What are the qualifications to be a pastor?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Dear sir,
    I visited your blog unfortunately, when I get a link from Google search and I really like your answers which is based on bible and truth. I think you can give us an answer for a problem in my church.

    I'm a pastor or a church and I and the members of our church is praying for a revival for last 7 years. We need a growth in our church. Now there are only 29 members in our church, including kids. Can you please tell me why our church is not growing. How can we achieve many members to Christ and thus to the church?
    Please help.
    Hope you answer this question soon.

  3. Hi Alfred,
    Didn't see any of your posts for a long time, what happened?
    Anyway It's nice to see your posts again. Can you please help me to understand the reasons behind, Why gospel sharing is too expensive today? It is that church need a lot of finance? and related things.

    Take your time dear. I can understand you're getting busy day by day. May God bless you to write more things for him like Paul.

  4. Mr.Alfred, Can you tell me why the prophecies these days are not fulfilling to many people, churches and so on. What is going wrong with this matter?
    Hope you provide a wonderful answer for this too.

  5. Dear Brother,
    Your answers are very interesting. I'm Cherian Varghese from Changanassery, a place in Kerala, India. Here the gospel sharing is not so easy. The traditions are strong. And hope you know that India is a place with majority of Hindus. Here there are people who got saved. But totally Kerala is not getting evangelized. Can you please study and tell the reason behind this? If you can please also suggest a remedy also for us. Thank you.

  6. I'm a Hindu and I'm from Bangalore. Can you answer that, is their any truth in Astrology and its related things? Why many people believe in astrology?

  7. Please help,
    I got saved, baptized and received Holy Spirit some years before. Before a month, I back slided from spirituality and started committing certain severe sins again. But still when I sit to pray, I'm able to speak in the tongues as earlier. How is it possible? Why am I able to speak in tongues, without Holy Spirit? and How can I confirm that the tongues which I'm speaking is from Holy Spirit and check that the Holy Spirit is still in me or not?
