27 March 2010

What is the interpretation of tongues?

Full Question:

What is actually the interpretation of tongues? I know it is a spiritual gift and I also have the gift of different tongues. But I don't know much about the interpretation of tongues. What can I do to receive that gift? Can you help me please?


This is an interesting question and I hope that an answer for this question will help all those who are truly desiring to receive this gift of interpretation of tongues.

First of all, I want you to be aware a very basic and important thing related to spiritual gifts. It's the misunderstanding of the term 'spiritual gift' as 'spiritual reward'. People usually think that spiritual gifts are a reward from God for accepting and doing the will of God like repenting, baptizing and so on, while it is not. A gift means, 'something that is bestowed voluntarily and without compensation.' A spiritual gift also is not a reward, it is spiritually something that is bestowed voluntarily and without compensation.

Interpretation is a spiritual gift that enable or help the members of a church to interpret what a person speak in tongues. The tongues is a gift given by the Holy Spirit to guide or to control the tongue of an anointed man making him speak in foreign languages unknown to him. It can be or cannot be a language exist or existed in the face of earth. The gift which Holy Spirit given to the church to interpret or to understand the meaning or content of such type of tongue is called interpretation of tongues.

There are not many relations between the gift of different tongues and the gift of interpretation of tongues. Both are them are in fact two different spiritual gifts which is also used for two different purposes. But, gift of different tongues is considered as an essential requirement for receiving the gift of interpretation of tongues.

According to me, there are only two ways to receive the interpretation of tongues. One is to eagerly desire and to pray as apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:12,13. Paul is saying this to people who speaks in a tongue and if you need the gift of interpretation of tongues and do not have the gift of different tongues, let you first pray for the gift of different tongues. Once if you are gifted with the gift of speaking in tongues, you can start praying for the interpretation of tongues.

The next way and the best way to receive the interpretation of tongues is to start sharing gospel. By sharing gospel to the people of this world and by leading them to Christ by helping them to grow more in Christ, will make many spiritual gifts an essential requirement for that person. At this time, it's God's responsibility to supply all the essential requirement for those who work for the expansion of His kingdom and God is always faithful in giving that, even without a single word of prayer. But for that you should start sharing gospel. And let me tell you, the purpose of all spiritual gifts is to use them for the expansion of the kingdom of God and if you work you or the expansion of the kingdom of God, surely God will gift you all necessary and sufficient gifts for this great purpose.

Many people used to worry a lot about the functioning of the gifts of interpretation of tongues. Let me tell you, you don't have to worry about that. Once you get that gift, as it is written Holy Spirit will surely guide you in all truth to operate the gift in the exact way it is need to be operated. But somethings which I want you to understand is that, this gift is not operated by faith. Even after you received that gift of interpretation of tongues, you cannot operate it as you wish and it completely depends on when God wants you to operate it. But once if you receive the interpretation of what somebody's or your own tongue(rarely), you should talk to the person or the people what interpretation you get.

The gift of interpretation of tongues is used for the edification of the church which means for the members of the church and so you should use the interpretation with wisdom and knowledge to edify the church. I hope and believe that Holy Spirit will advice anyone to use that gift as any other gift, if they submit themselves to the Holy Spirit.

May God bless you to share His wonderful gospel to the world and to receive all essential gift of spirits to thrive in every areas of your work for God. God bless you and reward you.

20 March 2010

How to escape from sexual sins?

Full Question:

I am a believer of God for the last seven years and also was in the ministry of God. Some months before while browsing internet I unfortunately visited some pages with sexual content and from that time onwards some force is controlling me to commit sins, even up to adultery. Now I'm, really suffering to get back to the grace of God. Please help me to escape from these sexual sins?


OK. I can know your desire in heart to get back to God by leaving these situations. It's only because of that wish to be with God, you asked me this question and tried to uncover yourselves. God will also bless you for the same as it's written in Proverbs 28:13 that, "He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy."

The main thing I noticed when a believer of God fall in any type of sins, Satan will always try to bring extreme sadness of guilt in his heart. This will create a feeling in his heart that He was fallen short from the grace of God and there is no chance left for him. Let me tell you, this is the best trick of Satan to deviate the people from God's grace again and again. You should first of all remember that Satan is a great liar and the father of all lies. Never give ears to his words or never trust him. Listen only to God and what is written in the Bible.

In the Bible we can see lot of people fallen short from the grace of God including God's people, kings and prophets. They used to commit sins of adultery, idol worship and so on. Even David, a man after God's own heart committed the sins of adultery. Almost all the kings of Israel committed sin by disobeying God's commandment not to take many wives. Usually all human beings are a slave of a sin or another. It's because they aren't perfect. The best thing to do is to always keep praying and practicing to be perfect focusing to the only perfect person, Jesus Christ.

I also prefer you to read this link. Will God forgive if we repent and sin again?

The first and best thing which you can do is to confess your sins. To those who confess their sins will get the grace of God. If we keep silent without confessing our sins, our bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. We will feel the hands of Lord heavy upon us for day and night causing our strength to sapped as in the heat of summer. So first decide with your whole heart to acknowledge and confess your sins and transgressions to God and did not cover up your iniquity for that He will forgive you the guilt of your sin.

These are all words of David and he knows in his heart that if anyone confess his sins and transgressions God will forgive him. But to ask forgiveness from heart with a decision not to commit it again is a very important thing. You should have to read the confession prayer of David in Psalms 51. Once you prayed from you heart to God asking forgiveness for your sins, by confessing. Your sins are forgiven and it doesn't matter how deep and cruel your sins are. But, you should also believe with your heart that your sins are completely forgiven by God.

While you pray, you should pray from your own heart in your own language, taking as much as time you needed. First you should confess your sins and transgressions. Then you should ask forgiveness to God for opened your heart to commit that sin. Then you should forgive to that person, if any and to your body to opened the door for such a purpose. Then you should pray so that God may cleanse you with the blood of Jesus Christ. You should cancel the hold of that sin in you the name of Jesus Christ. you should also cancel the unwanted relation with the person you committed that sin, if any, with the name of Jesus Christ. You should proclaim victory in the name of Jesus Christ over the sins, while praying. You should tell to Satan, to leave you along with all his temptations. You should ask God for His grace to stay in holiness and cover yourselves with the blood of Jesus, so that the temptations will not come to you again.

Once your sins are forgiven, you should also take care not to fall in sins again. The very best way to stay away from all sins is to read and study word of God daily, pray to God (Click the links to read that) daily and also share gospel. No sins can stick up with a person who do these three things. Also you should separate your time as tithe to God and for that you should separate a minimum of 2 hours, 40 minutes all together to sit with God. Never give opportunity for sins to enter in you. You should take care to stay away from hearing, watching and touching ungodly things which may cause temptations in you to commit sins again.

If Satan is again tempting you to commit sins and if you are committing sins again without being able to take victory over those temptations, even after confessing sins to about three to five times. You should realize the fact that, it's more than what you can take victory by yourselves and it's because of a demon inside you. To cast that demon out, you should have to first find the reason in which, the demon is holding on to you. In normal case, that reason should be related to the first door that you opened to commit that sin and it can be knowingly or unknowingly. But in these type of cases, I prefer you to consult a spiritual counselor or a powerful minister of God, whom you can trust. Share your problem with him and he will surely help you to cast that demon out of you.

May God bless you and everyone with this answer to deliver from the sins which they are committing. May God also help all of you to choose correct ways and decisions, to help you walk in righteousness and holiness.

19 March 2010

If you know a girl was stabbed many many times?

Full Question:

If you know a girl was stabbed many many times by her boyfriend and she believed in God, and she was a very good person. She was a "child of God"
Please don't give me an Adam and Eve story. I'm saying this in tears because I have proved God before in prayer but I'm on the brink of not believing in anything because that was my own friend. She was physically stabbed.
What would be the reason God didn't help her? Why would God allow that?


First of all I am sorry and sad for what just happened to your friend. I am also so sorry for that I can never blame God for what happened. I also know very well that it was not a mistake of God. First of all don't judge things by the same way which you see with your eyes. You should need to discern and analyze things before judging to know the facts behind it.

First of all, do you think any person in this world will become so worst with a single day to stab her girlfriend planned? Never. It is not logical. For such a thing to happen, at least from a long back onwards he will be some kind of cruel in his heart. If your friend is a person who see the things in the way it is, this will never happen to her for there was a long time left for her to escape from him. But what just happened is your friend, who was blind with love never tried to see his failures and weaknesses, in the way it is. She also never believed even the doubtful things that happened in him.
Is it her mistake or God's mistake?

The second thing is the bible do not support any person to have a boyfriend and girlfriend. It talks about to love your brothers as brothers and sisters and sisters with pure love. A person is allowed to marry once in a life time and that spouse should be bounded with him/her. Bible says it very clearly not to walk in bad ways of the worlds. But she disobeyed God in that case too and walked in the ways which she was not allowed to from the basis of the bible.
Is this a mistake from God or her mistake?

The next thing is I don't think that her boy friend was a believer of God from the essential details you provided. Bible says not to marry a non-believer and it says to stay away from such persons for it is not suitable for the members of the church. It also says not to build unwanted relations with persons of this world for they are not from God. If she was a child of God as you said, she will also obey God for that.
Is it her mistake or God's mistake?

Then finally, it is always a joke for people to hear this. Did you ever heard that God created man with free will? Free will is the freedom given to human being by God to choose his own decision. Still, if we notice we can see that God give warning to almost all people before they are about to commit some serious sin. It was not by pulling him physically, but by pulling him mentally.

I think you know the story of Abel and Cain. God told (warned) Cain to escape from the sin of murdering which Cain was going to commit. That warning act like a mental pull for Cain in his heart. But Cain overcome that mental pulling from God and finally committed sin by disobeying God's pulling. This is also the same thing which we call temptations of the mind. You, me and everyone can feel this pulling of God, when you are about to commit sins and so on. God have nothing to do for people who overcome this backward pull and commit sins just like Cain committed it due to their free will.

Similar is what just happened in your friend's case also. Surely God provided a backward pull in her boyfriend's heart not to commit it. But he committed it by overcoming that. This was also not a fault form God.

If your purpose is to blame God, you can blame God for anything and for everything and it was really easy. Even you can say it all happened for God created human beings. But it is really very difficult to love God with all heart, soul and spirit in the midst of all problems and sufferings in this world. God is also looking for such people. If you have a heart to understand this fact and not to blame God, you will surely receive God's grace. If you are rejecting these simple facts, I have nothing more to do and there was no meaning for your tears.

May God bless you with this answer to understand Him more in the way He is. God loves you and everyone so much, but there are only very few people who really loves him. Check your relationship with God. Go close to him. You are precious for Jesus.

18 March 2010

Why some prayers are not answered?

Full Question:

Why some prayers are not answered even if it is a needed one? What do we need to so in such cases? What are the exact reasons behind delay in answer for many prayers?


I would like to answer this question because it sounds interesting especially than the many questions asked about prayers. First I would like to read this link to understand what is a prayer? Only by understanding about prayer and how to pray, you can understand the need of repeated prayer.

Prayer is simply a conversation with God. God knows very well that what we need and what we are going to pray, even before we pray. He like to hear us praying to him just as a father love his child asking him for anything. We should not need to pray repeatedly to Him like pagans pray for our God is a living God. God like us to pray in faith and want us to believe that our prayer is answered before we complete praying. But still there are unanswered prayers for almost everyone is a big question.

I would like to tell you the reason behind this unanswered prayers. First of all, I am classifying prayers into two types according to the time it take to get an answer. The first one are the prayers which we get quick answers and the next one is the prayers will delayed answers. May be many of you were amazed to hear such a classification. But let me tell you, there are prayers which we get quick answers and delayed answers.

First we can look to the prayers in which we get quick answers. This type of prayer will be answered by God on the same moment we pray and God will surely open and arrange ways and things before us without any delay or much delay after our prayer. It includes prayer to receive salvation, prayer to remove bad characters and problems like angry, depression, bad thoughts etc, prayer to receive the good nature and character of Jesus Christ such as humbleness, love, serving mind, peace etc, prayer for any type of material thing at the right time before God. many of you are also familiar with the fact that these prayers will be answered quickly. The main reason behind this is because these prayers are from the heart of man and God like to hear from us. These are the prayers with mind of Jesus is also a good reason.

The next type of prayer is the prayer with delayed answers. The main reasons behind these delay in answer for prayers is because it is the not the exact time of God, praying for the desires of flesh and so on. God can answer our prayer at any moment for nothing is impossible with Him. But he like to answer it in the proper time so that his answer can produce more fruits. For a simple example, if a student pray for a computer at the time of examination. God knows it will affect his studies and will wait for the right time say after the examinations. God delay these type of prayers to produce more fruit.

Another reason is that God do not like to answer the prayers which we pray to fulfill the desires of flesh. All prayers which we pray without a proper need will come under the desires of flesh. God is the one who provides all our needs, not our dreams.

And still there is a special case left, which includes prayers that are unanswered by God in times which we think that 'there is no more way except an answer.' There are really times in which we should really need an answer from God. If we had such a need with something and if that prayer will not be answered, there are chances for us to lose our faith and to give up. Jesus provide description of such prayer in the bible and also told how to pray in such situations clearly in Luke 18:1-7.

It was like, "Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. He said: "In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared about men. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, 'Grant me justice against my adversary.' "For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, 'Even though I don't fear God or care about men, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won't eventually wear me out with her coming!' "And the Lord said, "Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"

This parable clearly speaks about how to pray in times which we think that 'there is no more way except an answer.' These parable says us to keep praying continuously until you receive an answer from God on such moments. It clearly says that if an unjust judge granted justice to a widow for the reason she bothered him, surely God the justice judge will answer the prayer of his chosen ones, who cry to him day and night. It also says at least God will provide some another way to get out of our problems so that we may get justice, and quickly. But I also want everyone to take care of the next verse which warns us not to lose our faith in God, even if there are some unanswered prayers are there.

May God bless all of you with this answer to pray with wisdom according to the need and situation, so that you may receive quick answers from God without losing your faith.

What is the best posture for prayer?

Full Question:

What is the best and proper posture for a good prayer? Does God answer the prayer more quickly on praying with such postures? What are its biblical basis and what are its other advantages, if any?


There are lot of people, even lot of true Christians are in such type of errors due to false doctrines. I am so sad to hear these type of questions. Jesus Christ already told the reason for these things as, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God." I will try my best to help you deliver from these type of misunderstandings.

People can pray to God by placing their body on any postures. They can pray by sitting on a chair, on a bed, on the floor, laying on the bed or the floor, on their knees and so on. God will not answer any ones prayer by evaluating is posture. The fact is that God is looking to our heart to check our attitude, while we pray and He is also hearing what and how we pray. God will not answer our prayer any more quicker for the reason we prayed in some special posture. Many people think that prayer with suffering pain and humbling by being on postures like, on the knees, head on the floors, etc. are more acceptable in front of God. This is also a false concept.

Our God is not a God who answer our prayer like that. Human beings are those who accept external humbleness like that. No Human being can fool God by such type of external humbleness to fulfill the things inside. I know there are also people who humble themselves in their external body also due to their humbleness inside. I will never advice them to stop it. But I want all of them to understand the fact that there is nothing special to pray like that. Everyone who pray with a pure heart are equal in front of God.

According to me, the best posture for a good prayer should also be the most comfortable posture. The main reason behind it is, if a person is comfortable in the posture, he can surely pray for a long time without any distress. If he pray in some postures like on the knees, bowing down etc, he will surely get tired fast and will cause pain in the joints of the body. This will make his prayer shorter and he will also lose his concentration in prayer due to pain and so on. If you are praying in a comfortable position you can pray by involving in the presence of God with no problems as long as you can.

The only thing which bible shows as a good posture for praying is at 1 Timothy 2:8, as "In every place of worship, I want men to pray with holy hands lifted up to God, free from anger and controversy." We can also see peoples and even kings pray in the Old Testament by lifting their hands to heaven and this may be the reason for Paul to write it. I want everyone to listen to the most important thing which is to be free from anger and controversy, while praying. Still I won't prefer to pray by lifting our hands always, by knowing the fact that it will make the hands get tired faster and will cause to lose our concentration on praying.

May God bless all of you to pray with faith, concentration and goodness in heart so that God may hear your prayer by removing misunderstandings such as postures and so on. May He also bless you to focus Him completely, by a posture which is more comfortable for you.

16 March 2010

What is the real spiritual ' Foot washing'?

Full Question:

What is the real spiritual ' Foot washing' among us as believers in Christ? We see that there is a special function of the Word of God in the matter of foot washing in John 13:14. If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one others feet.
After we spend time in the Word of God, and enjoy the foot washing from the Lord, do you have a desire in you to wash the feet of others?
How important it is to practice the spiritual foot washing among us as brothers and sisters in Christ?
How important is to be girded with humility when doing so?
What should be the result or goal when we wash our brothers and sisters feet?
Thank you so much for considering these sub questions and for taking the time to answer.


This is a beautiful question with a beautiful commandment of Jesus Christ involved. I like this question very much and know that, people in these generation need answer for this question. This is also a best concept which we can see in the bible to serve others. This is also a best part in the bible in which we can see the real humbleness of Jesus Christ.

According to me, the practice of foot washing is a ministry or an act which Jesus Christ showed as a model to us. It purpose was not to clean our body to maintain hygiene. These will also come under the rare things which we can't see in the book of acts and in epistles, among the things which was practiced by the apostles or disciples of Jesus. For this very reason we do not know the importance or benefit of such a ministry in our churches today.

There are churches and people who perform this act as a ritual. I strongly disagree with that and was ashamed of the fact that, they consider it as a ritual without knowing its importance. According to me, all these amazing act done by Jesus Christ to wash the feet of His disciples contain a great meaning. Jesus Christ performed such an act to make them understand an amazing fact indirectly which is also mentioned in another part of the bible. It is in Matthew 20:28, which says, "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many."

I like to explain the act of foot washing so simply by mentioning its two opposite faces. I includes nothing, but the mentality of the person who washes the feet and the mentality of person who receives the wash. I think it is better to visualize it through the incidence in Bible where Jesus Christ is the foot washer and His disciples are the people who receives the wash. The same event can be considered to a situation in this 21st century like a head master or the head of department washing the feet of their fellow students or as a situation where a prime minister / president or chief minister washing the feet of fellow people.

I know, it is difficult to visualize such a situation, because here is it, we want to see the humbleness of Jesus Chrsit. Jesus Christ was the son of God, the very next to the heavenly father, master of all the mighty angels, creator of heavens and earth, the king of kings and the lord of lords. The whole universe was just nothing in front of Him and He is also God. Human beings are the least among the creatures of God and the whole human being is just nothing other than a small breath, which also was came from Him. Can we able to see the humbleness of Jesus Christ to came into this earth, which He created to make a way of salvation to deliver mankind from their sins. Can we able to see the humbleness of this Jesus Christ to wash the feet of these human beings, who are not holy to be touched by Him. And finally can we able to see the humbleness of Jesus Christ to receive the worst death, which is the death of crucifixion on the cross, from human beings, just to fulfill the wish of God. I have never seen and no one will ever see such a humbleness other than the humbleness of Jesus Christ.

Why can't we too follow the path of Jesus Christ in these case along with all other things, which we do in His name? I never want any people to misunderstand my advice, and to be humble by starting to wash others feet today onwards. As I told earlier, it was just a model, an example which was showed by Jesus Christ to show us the importance to serve others not only in foot washing, but in every way. In examples we usually show only one thing as a model and we know we can do many things like that. This is why Jesus specified this act as an example, in serving others. But the thing and the fact is that, we should serve others only with the same mentality of Jesus Christ, which is through pure humbleness from heart. This is also why Jesus told, "Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one others feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you."

Without this mind of serving, a Christian life is a waste. Many people find it difficult to serve others whom they consider is evil. I strongly oppose that because Jesus Christ was never a man of that attitude. He know it and was cent percentage sure that Judas Iscariot was an evil man and was going to betray him. It was clear from His very words, "And you are clean, though not every one of you." But still Jesus Christ was ready to wash the feet of Judas Iscariot with the same attitude towards others. Why do we need to stay back, if Jesus Christ did that? We should also serve others without looking to their nature, behavior, wealth, color, ethnicity, religion and so on. This is what the God expect from us.

There are also people who serve others only after certain preparations and on special time, which is also wrong and was not the model showed by Jesus Christ. We should be in an attitude to serve others in any type of situations, that may be in office, while we preach or teach, eat and so on. We should also take the first step in such situations without assuming that, someone will take care of that. We can see that Jesus Christ got up from the meal, in John 13:4, which means between the meal, to serve others by washing their feet. He never gave that task to anyone else or never thought his meal was important knowing very well that it was His last supper. If Jesus Christ is ready and willing to do it by himself and at any occasion, we should have the same mentality of Jesus Christ while we serve others.

We can see Jesus Christ wash their feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him in verse 7. This clearly says about a completeness of the task according to me. Many times we are people who were only energetic to begin a task, without completing it. We were also people with a mentality to complete the task somehow than to complete it in the way, it need to be. This was due to our attitude in serving others and we consider serving as a duty than an act of kindness from heart. This is also the reason for us to quit serving, when someone will come forward to perform the task or with an interruption. This was not the attitude of Jesus and we should try to develop the attitude of Jesus in our life.

There were also persons for sure like Simon Peter who tries to quit us serving them, among the people we serve as I mentioned above. First we should realize that it was because for they love us. Realizing this fact, the best reply to give them was the same reply which Jesus Christ told Peter which is to tell them, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." I always asked myself, 'why Peter not allowed Jesus to wash his feet?' When I got the answer, the answer was interesting and was presented in the reply of Jesus. It was because Simon Peter was not aware of the importance of serving in a Christian life. But we know that, as Jesus Christ told him, later he came to understand the fact about the importance of serving. So when they oppose to serve them, we should also reply them like, 'friend, you do not realize the importance of serving. It is very blessing and happy to serve others than to be served. You will understand it later for sure.

Once again, I thank you for asking this great question and thanking God to provide me such an answer. I decide myself by this answer to serve others with the mentality and attitude of Jesus. May God bless all of its readers to realize the importance of serving and to start serving. Let this also help us to be more closer to be in the character and behavior of Jesus Christ.

14 March 2010

Where to go for a Youth Mission trip?

Full Question:

Where to go for a Youth Mission trip? Ok, recently I was sitting at home. God planted an idea in my head to help start a youth mission trip for our youth group. I immediately started researching and found a lot of sites that could help and contacted a youth leader that could help me. Ok, our youth group has people twelve and up, but more than likely our mission trip will be thirteen and up to avoid damaging them. The sites I found want us to go to places like Haiti and Uganda. We can go anywhere in the world. So, here's my question. Where should we go, Who needs us, how can we help, and why? we want to make a difference but a few main places I am looking into are Haiti, Uganda, Greece, and China. Can you help me?


I like this question and I don't know how much my answer will help you. Anyway I will try my best to give a good answer for you.

The most important thing which I would like to share you is about, the purpose with such a mission trip. According to me, the purpose of every good mission trip should be to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to this world by mingling with them and by helping them. It should be a sharing of gospel with deeds. It should also be a trip which will help help to develop many good evangelists.

I will start answering your question one by one. First of all, when you choose a place of mission trip, never choose a rich place. If you choose such a place for mission trip, it will never help the missionaries and the people who you share the gospel. So avoid developed countries and metropolitan cities. Also never choose a place where there is possibility for you to get persecuted. I mentioned this because, if you share gospel and get persecuted in such places, there is a great possibility for the youth missionaries to lose their faith and hope. Make them go to such a place only after they became mature and were on fire for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

As you told that you can take them anywhere and by considering their age and importance for a mission trip, I better prefer you a place in your own country where there may be some tribes or poor village side people. It was also best to start from our own nation according to the Bible. And in case if some of the youth get affected by some wounds, illness or so, you can easily send him home with the help of someone. There are also still possibilities for homesickness for youth in that age and it will create troubles if the trip is to some other countries. So I better prefer to start it from your nation.

I don't prefer Haiti and such places for the problems and sufferings in there is even much more than what you can do with some youths of 12 and 13. There is violence and other problems too in many places in Haiti due to poverty and financial crisis as consequences of the earth quake. I also don't prefer to take them to metropolitan cities where their are many people who don't need Jesus Christ. Their response may affect the youth to lose their future hope in sharing gospel to the world.

Who needs you is a great question. But if I give you the answer very simply from the word of God, the people who are sick, amputees, hard-working, illiterate, sinners, people with problems and sufferings etc. are the people who needs Jesus Christ. You can find such a type of people in a mission trip, only if you go to share the gospel in some tribes, poor villages and so, where there are people who are rejected from the developing countries of the world.

The main help you can do to them is to show them the way of life in Jesus Christ and to provide them a place in heaven. You can also supply them precious things like Love, Joy, Happiness, Peace, Hope and so on. On the other side you can also provide them essential medicines, Bibles(Mostly related to their language, if is not available in their language. Otherwise you can appoint an educated in their own tribe to translate to their language) and so on. I don't prefer food and money for the main reason that some tribes will not eat foods that are from outside their area and if you supply money, most probably they will depend other missionaries for money and will use it for evil things after you leave them. Try your best to provide them with spiritual things so that it will remain in them as long as they live.

I already mentioned you, how this will help the people and the another thing is that it will also help your youth to grow more in Jesus. If you give them a chance to preach the gospel to the poor and to help the poor and sick with necessary things, you can develop an attitude to preach gospel also in the poor people. It also make their heart more kind and to understand the problems and suffering of such people. Otherwise they will be only focused to share the gospel to the rich and they can never see the real situations of this world. This may also lead them to lose their faith when small troubles and financial crisis.

A mission trip to the tribes will also help them to understand the problems, situations and sufferings in their life. It will also help them to be more thankful to God for what they are and so on. But let me tell you, If at least a two of your youth dedicate themselves to help these tribes more after their education and all by these mission trip, there is no great success than that to get with such a trip.

And if such a missionary trip is not possible, better you take them to some historical places related to the bible, which is to Israel. This may help the youth of that age to confirm once again with the birth and life of Jesus Christ. It will also help them understand Bible more clearly when they read through that places mentioned in the Bible. It will also be a great trip. But I also have to mention that, Israel is never good and responding to the gospel of Jesus Christ to plan a mission trip to there as you know.

May God bless all of you to choose the right choice and have a wonderful mission trip.

13 March 2010

What to do for solving this problem in Church?

Full Question:

Have you ever had a pastor try to tell you how to live your life? I've been saved for 4 years now. I am a Christian, and I love Jesus. 4 years ago, my husband died in Iraq, while fighting for our country. Unfortunately for me I didn't have any children with him.

I live a very healthy lifestyle I don't: drink any alcohol, smoke or use tobacco products, use illegal street drugs (just the occasional Tylenol), and I'm completely celibate. I don't date and I'm not courting anyone at the moment.

For the last 3 1/2 years, I have been going to school, and working 4 jobs. It doesn't leave me a lot of spare time, but I do make time for church every Sunday morning. But I go to work every Sunday afternoon. Last Sunday, one of the associate pastors asked me to stay to talk to him, but I told him that I couldn't because I had to go to work. This is when he said, " I've had my eyes on you for quite some time now. It's come to my attention that you are working on the Lord's day? You should be ashamed of putting your job before the Lord. Money will lead you straight to hell sister." He shouted the last part in front of the whole blooming church.

This is when I turned around in front of the whole church and said, " I am sick and tired of you and your awful "hell fire and brimstone" speeches! I have to work. If I don't then I get behind on my rent and bills. Are you going to give me the money to support myself? I have 4 jobs so that I won't have to take out student loans to pay for college and my living expenses. God wants me to love only Him and I do! I tithe the way the bible tells me to. I attend church every Sunday morning, even when I'm tired, and I want to sleep. I come here because I love the pastor, and the people. But you sir are a judgmental horses behind! Oh just one more thing before I go. That "anonymous" donation that the church received today, came from MY pocket! And the "anonymous" donation of the materials for the children ministry, came from MY pocket! So when you say that money is going to lead me straight to hell! Why don't you stop and control your tongue as it says in the bible!"

I walked back into the church, and told the pastor that I wanted the check for the donation for the building fund back. I was not going to stay in a church that employed hypocrites! I haven't gone back to that church in 4 weeks. I was an active member there for 3 years, and that was not the first time the associate pastor tried to lecture me about working on Sundays. I've found another church that's bigger and better. I refuse to be put down, because I have to work on Sundays, and make money to support myself. The Lord understands that times are tough, and jobs are hard to come by.

Have you ever had a pastor tell you how to live your life? Please help me with what to do in this situation.


Your question was a bit big one and fist I thought may be is it some troll. But anyway God made me read it and I find that this is a good question. Thank you for asking this question for I can see that the situation is really bad. I know that you really need some good advices at these time and I do believe I can give some valuable advices and an exact answer to you for your question.

First of all, I am totally sorry for all the situations and problems which you are passing through life and for what you face in your church. I am also happy to see that you have find the living God Jesus Christ in the midst of all those problems. Also happy to inform you that we all have a good and wonderful pastor 'Jesus Christ' along with a wonderful counselor Holy Spirit.

Anyway I am getting directly into the answer. The first thing and the most important thing which I noticed is that the associate pastor is the only one who is wrong here causing troubles. There will be always persons like this in every church and is even mentioned in the bible. This pastor was also like the pastor mentioned in the 3 John1:9,10 which says "I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, does not receive us. Therefore, if I come, I will call to mind his deeds which he does, prating against us with malicious words. And not content with that, he himself does not receive the brethren, and forbids those who wish to, putting them out of the church."

You don't provided any more details with the church and what I think from the best information you provide was that your church do not have many problems. The only problem I noticed by discerning was the selection of immature associate pastor. He also lack essential bible knowledge bible also according to me. Bible says it very clear that Son of God is the lord of Sabbath and Jesus Christ working on the Sabbath. Jesus healed many people on the Sabbath day giving glory to the father and told very clearly that, our heavenly father is always working. Pharisees and Sadducee are the people who offended Jesus Christ for working in Sabbath and Jesus even pointed their mistake out by telling them how David and the people with him eat on the Sabbath day the only food separated for priests. So the teaching of going to hell, if you work on sabbath is entirely wrong.

Bible also says clearly that if you want to give someone an advice or something, your should have to first love and pray for them and talk to them in the right opportunity with the pure mentality to bring him close to God. He should also have to advice the other very personally and silently with basis in bible. He also did that in a wrong way.

I should also have to mention that what you done is also not a hundred percentage right thing according to the bible. The first thing was that, you can tell him that you are not free today and to ask him that is it possible with some another day which you am free. The next was it was not right to behave to some associate pastor like this because bible says if there is an issue against a pastor or so, you should have to deal it only with the support of some associate active members. As there was a main pastor in your church, you can also report this to him silently the matter according to Bible. But I am also able to understand your situations also.

By these, the main fact is that which you should have to understand is that 'No church and no person is perfect' and we can see problems like this on the first century church too. For this very reason, I don't prefer you to change your church. If you change this church, surely you can get out of this problem. But the fact is when you go to another church, there will be also some another problems like this for sure which may be even worse than these. There will be problems like this in all churches and you can never find a good or a perfect church. The total gain will be just a waste of time by skipping many churches.

In every church there may be some mistakes in their teaching of bible. There is no meaning in changing your church for this reason also for it is common. Otherwise your church should be a church which always teach wrong things or teach the primary concepts in wrong way. If I tell my case, I have very good knowledge in Bible by the grace of God. So whenever I listen to somebody's speech or the speech in my church, there will be always some mistakes in their speech, according to me. Very rarely I heard speeches with no mistakes.

If I skip my church for this reason that there messages are wrong, I was sure that I can never find a church for me in this whole earth. What I am doing was to be silent by realizing the fact that 'no one and no church is perfect and mistake can happen to any person for he is human.' I don't think for myself that I will not made any mistakes. Mistakes can also happen to me or to anyone.

What I have to say as a solution for this situation was to go and see the main pastor in your church and talk about this whole situation with him and find a solution as this is a way written in the bible. Also keep praying to God to help you solve this problem and to deliver you from this situation.

And if you can't stay in this church in such a way and if you want to leave your church so badly. I will say you to please contact your main pastor itself and gain permission to shift this church and when you reach the church you mentioned or soem other church, first talk to the main pastor about 'why you skipped the last church and ask him permission to be a member of this church?' You should only be a member of this new church after obtaining this permission. If you do these things like this, it is biblical and otherwise it is not biblical and you should have to give account for that in front of God.

I provided you the right answer with the best of my knowledge and wisdom. Now it is your duty to act. May God bless you with this answer to take right choice and decisions. God bless.

10 March 2010

Who is a 'True Christian'?

This is a good question and I was waiting to answer this question. The problem is, if I need to answer this question completely, I need to answer the whole New Testament which is not possible. Anyway I will try my best to answer this question by touching and simply explaining most of all the necessary points.

The main reason I would like to answer this question was that these days there are many Christians and Christian denominations, who call themselves Christians. They are Christians only in their name and not in their deeds causing many people to be mistaken and to deviate from the word of God. You should test yourself and with your church, the things I am going to say, to know weather you are a true Christian or not. 

A true Christian must be,

1. Saved: He should be a person who got saved by believing that Jesus is Lord and God raised him from dead according to Romans 10:9 and Mark 16:16

2. Baptized: He should be a person baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, by complete immersion of his body in water, like Jesus Christ did and said according to Matthew 3:16, 28:19, Mark 16:16, John 3:5, Acts 2:41 and so on

3. Spirit Filled: He should be a person filled by the Holy Spirit will the visible outcome of any of the Spiritual gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:8 according to John 3:5, Luke 24:49, Acts 1:5, 2:4, 19:6 and so on.

4. Witness: A true Christian should be a witness of Jesus Christ witnessing what God has done to him, according to Acts 1:8.

5. No Idols: A true Christian must not use any type of idols made using things like plastic, paper, plaster of Paris, Wood, Iron, Metals and so on, to worship God according to Exodus 20:4, Deuteronomy 4:15, John 4:23, 1 Corinthians 12:1, Psalm 97:7 and so on.

6. Worship in Spirit and Truth: Those who worship God should worship in Spirit and Truth and they should not be bounded with any temples of God and he should not use any mediators between you and God, according to John 4:23, Acts 7:48, 1 Timothy 2:5, Matthew 11:27 and so on.

7. The five fold ministry: The church should contain the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the body of Christ, which is the Church according to Ephesians 4:11-14.

8. No Remarriage: It should be a church which do not support remarriage and even divorce according to Matthew 5:27.

These are the most important things which should be in a true Christian and to know all the things, read the whole Bible or at least the New Testament.If you find any of these things not matching with your life and your church, try to do as it is in the Bible and find a church with these things, in your area and be a member there.

May God bless all of you to be a Christian and to choose a church according to what Bible says.

What is it like when we die?

This is an interesting question. All the living people in this world was eager to know its answer knowing the very true fact that they will also die in one day. But the problem is about how to know the answer for this question without dieing. Anyway no one is ready to die to know its answer and even if someone die to know its answer, he can't tell the living this answer. This makes everyone think that to find the answer of this question is impossible.

But, let me ask you a question. Who told all you people that someone need to die to know the answer about a dead. Did human being measured the temperature in sun, by going there?, did he discovered the things in history by going to the past?, did he measured the depth of ocean by going there? NO. If human being can do all these things without going there, I do believe he can also give the answer about a dead without being dead. But how?

I am going to answer this question by studying about the resurrected people after dead, from the bible. Before that, I also have to mention an important thing which is how the death was, otherwise the answer will never be complete. To help you understand more clearly, I am categorizing death into two types again. One is normal death and the other is Abnormal death. Normal death is what we are familiar with and abnormal death includes death happened due to accident of all types and heart attack.

A human being facing normal death was just very simply like getting fainted by a sleep. There will not have any types of pain. To make it more clear just think about how we fell asleep or how was it when we fainted, if there was any. We know well that we even don't know that moment. Normal death was also like that. And if the death was an abnormal death caused by some heart attack or accidents, that human being should have to carry that pain until he die. In some occasions of accidents, people usually get fainted and if they die on the same time while he is fainted, his death was like normal death too. Anyway there death was also like getting into a sleep with that pain. No one don't have any special pain in their body for the reason that his spirit left him.

I know that your question is answered, but if I stop here you may think, everything will be over by death. That won't be happen because it is not correct. So you need to have a good knowledge and should be aware about the next thing too, which is called resurrection.

Before going to the answer you should know that, bible mention especially two groups of people. One is those who are sealed for heaven for they believed in Jesus Christ, obeying the necessary commandments of God and by living a holy life which was pleasant before both God and human being. Second is the people who lived in this world with the pleasures of the world, without caring or worried about a living God, giving priority to their life and their things than God and by disobeying the commandments of God.

Anyway there is a death for everyone without mattering which group they belong and it was just like a sleep as I already told. Now there is a resurrection or an awake for all dead from there sleep. Bible says that all the dead people are waiting for that awake. Many people misunderstand that their body with flesh will also resurrect which is false. Bible tell about it very clearly that the body which is flesh was created from the soil in the ground and it will return to the soil. The thing which will awake is the spirit and soul of a human being, which is the actual human being.

This resurrection will happen to the dead, when Jesus Christ come again in the sky to collect the soul of all the people who lived for him. After the resurrection they will all carried to the heaven for 'Judgment' along with the souls of people taken by rapture. All the people whose name is written in the book of life will enter into the heaven and all other people will be kicked by God to hell after judgment.

In heaven there is everlasting joy with God and in hell there is everlasting sorrows and gnashing of teeth. The only similar thing in heaven and hell is that there is no further sleep and both are in eternal, which means no further death.

May God bless all of you with this answer to receive a normal death and to live in such a way to receive a place in eternal heaven when they awake from the first death.

09 March 2010

Why do people commit suicide?

Full Question:

What is the exact reason behind many people are committing suicide? Why do people commit suicide, if God only gives them as much as they can take?


This is one among the interesting question which someone asked to me. It made me think for a while to get to the answer. But my helper, the wonderful councilor, Holy Spirit, helped me to find the answer and the answer is simple and very interesting.

Suicide which means 'the act or an instance of intentionally killing oneself', is a term which we are so familiar with especially in this days. We can see and hear lots of news regarding suicide in newspapers, televisions and Internet. It is very difficult to say, an exact reason behind the suicide. It is because suicide is not only committing by any particular type of person or in a particular situation. It is committed by both poor and rich, healthy and unhealthy, educated and uneducated, married and unmarried, theists and atheists, white and black, male and female, employed and unemployed, parents and children, common and celebrity, and so on.

I studied and discovered the reason behind suicide. According to science or psychology, the most common cause is an underlying mental disorder which include depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, alcoholism  and drug abuse. Financial difficulties or other undesirable situations play a significant role. On studying more things related to causes said by psychology opened the door to some important facts.

The main question is 'Why do people with no mental disorder commits suicide?' We are not able to read the mind of other people, but there are many cases in which the people who are very close to the committed person witnessed that 'he was not going through any mental disorder.' even if in that case, what may be the reason, which resulted in a sudden mental depression and so on.

Whatever it may be, there are people who committed and tried to commit suicide, in the Bible and I do believe that the Bible is able to provide the best answer. There are six persons who committed suicide in the Bible. They are Abimelech, Saul, Saul's armor-bearer, Ahithophel, Zimri, and Judas. Death of Samson and Jesus Christ was not a suicide for its purpose was good for it was to destroy the enemies and to save many. More clearly, a soldier in war know very well that he may lose his life in the war. But still he is ready to fight to his nation and it can never called as a suicide. The reason behind the death of people who committed sucide in Bible are fear, rejection, guilty, shame etc which can be grouped under the psychological causes. But still it don't explains the reason behind the psychological cause.

But Bible gives tells us the reason behind the psychological cause in the New Testament. In New Testament we can see Jesus Christ healing a boy with an Evil Spirit in Mark 9:14-32. The father of that boy describes the situation as 'the evil spirit has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him' which is exactly 'suicide'. When Jesus cast out that spirit, the boy became free from the tendency to commit suicide. If we study more about this, we can understand that an Evil Spirit is not a human being or something with flesh to pull or push someone into the fire, water and so on. But what the evil spirit is doing is that, it works in the mind of people in such a way that he may feel hopeless, afraid, rejected, depressed and so on causing him mental disorder which result him to commit suicide.

Because of this I do believe very well that 'an Evil spirit' is the exact reason behind suicide of any person by causing him mental disorders. We can see the same situation in Mark 5: 1-20, where a large herd of swines about 2000 in number committing suicide by rushing down the steep bank into the lake just after the demons entered into the pigs. I do believe very well that the reason behind the suicide of Judas Iscariot  was also the demonic spirit. We can see that the demonic spirit entered in Judas Iscariot just after he took the bread in John 13:27. According to me, the goal of that demonic spirit was not only to betray Jesus Christ because Bible says that they come to steal, kill and destroy, which resulted him to be guilty and to commit suicide thereafter in Matthew 27:5.

This does not means that people should commit suicide after the possession of this demonic spirit. The easy ways explained in the Bible to escape from these demonic spirits are, 1. Do not give place to evil, 2. Submit to God and resist the evil, 3. Cast the demonic spirits out, 4. Stay with Jesus Christ along with fasting and prayer to be in authority over those spiritual beings.

The answer to next question which is 'Why do people commit suicide, if God only gives you as much as you can take?' is simple. The above verse is in  1 Corinthians 10:13 as "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."

According to me, there are three main reasons for people to commit suicide when God gives you as much as you can take. Before that you should have to be aware the answer of 'How God will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able?' described in the above verse. It is by providing us a way of escape that we may be able to bear it. That way of escape is Jesus Christ, and anyone can escape through that way by believing him as Lord and Savior. But people are not ready to choose Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth and the life. They choose the only other way left which is committing suicide. May be it is difficult to believe me, but I will show evidence from Bible. In the book of acts chapter 16, we can see a keeper of prison was about to commit suicide just as anyone else by seeing the prison doors opened. But God opened a way of escape for him which is to be saved by believe in Jesus Christ. He choose the way of escape which is the Jesus Christ and got saved without committing any suicide.

The second reason is that God will give His grace, strength, way of escape and so on only to the people who are willing to face the temptations, problems and troubles in their life. The act of suicide is to run away from all these problems, temptations and troubles without trying to face these problems.

The third reason is that as I mentioned above which is by the possession of demonic spirit which blind their eyes and made them believe that 'they have reached the maximum limit which they can bear. And the same demonic spirit made him blind as mentioned above by making them believe that, the best way to escape is to commit suicide and to end this life. Satan will also fool him by telling that all the problems in his life will come to end by this one simple act 'suicide'.

May God bless all of you with this answer to understand the reason behind suicide and to know why people commit suicide, if God only gives them as much as they can take. May He also bless you to deliver many people from their temptations to commit suicide.

07 March 2010

What makes you think you are gonna be on the Ark?

Full Question:

If the last days are 'as the days of Noah', what makes you think you are going to be on the Ark?


I don't know in what purpose you asked this question. Anyway, I know and I do believe that this is a serious question and I prefer that every Christian should ask to this question to them selves. You will get the answer of two things, if you ask this question to yourselves. One is that you will get the answer of why you are in this Ark. Secondly, you can evaluate yourself whether you will be on the Ark or not.

In this answer, I am only going to speak in the contest of Noah's ark. First of all, let me give a brief introduction about Noah's ark. Comparing the history of Noah's ark to the coming of Jesus Christ, the great flood of destruction is the end time, Jesus is the Ark and the few eight people, represent the few chosen people in this generation to be in the Ark in the only way to escape from the flood. The three main important reasons for which I do believe that I and every true Christian will be on the Ark is,

1. Believed that there will be a flood: God told Noah that there will be a flood and Noah told many people that a flood is going to come, which will result in huge destruction. Many people did not believe in the words of Noah, and we can see large destruction happened in the life of all those people. They were not familiar with the flood until that time, and they are no ready to believe in flood which they are not familiar.

But here in the time of New Testament, when we heard about the end time, we believe that there will be an end time, even if we're not familiar with it. We tried to understand the consequences of such an end time and searched for a way to escape somehow from this great destruction. We are not ready to repeat the same mistake happened at the time of Noah, by rejecting the fact that will be an end time which we don't know.

2. Choose to be in the Ark: God told Noah that a flood is going to come by following a rain. Noah told the peoples in earth that a flood is going to come by the rain God will bring. It was like an opportunity for the people to choose, whether to be in the ark or to stay on earth without believing that the flood will not come. They are not ready to believe what they have not seen yet.

Very similarly in the New Testament, when we heard about an end time, we believed it will come for sure even if we are not familiar with, like the rain came on the time of Noah. So we choose the ark. At least there are people who choose to believe in Jesus with a mind to escape from the end time, if there is one. Anyway we choose to be in the ark by believing in Jesus Christ.

3. Helping to build the Ark: As Noah’s family which chooses to be in the ark helped Noah. We the people of New Testament which choose the Jesus Christ is also doing our best to build the ark, which is the kingdom of God. For that we are preaching the gospel and the acceptance year of the Lord to all the people in this world giving them a chance and a warning to escape from the flood, which is the end time where there is full of problems and suffering and everlasting hell of fire after that.

God bless you and all the readers to choose the right decision which is the ark by believing and accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ.

01 March 2010

Why did God accept Abel's offering?

Full Question:

Why did God accept Abel's offering, but not Cain's?


Why did God accept Abel's offering, but not Cain’s? Many people all around the world of different castes and different denominations are asking Christians this question. And the fact is that even many Christians don't know its reason, and thus they are not able to give proper and the correct answer to this question. They consider this as an unanswerable question of the Bible, because of their lack of knowledge in the bible .

Actually, the answer of this question is very simple and is clearly written in the Bible along with its reason. It is said in one of the New Testament epistles Hebrew 11:4 "By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings."

We can clearly see that it is because of FAITH that God accepted their offer of Abel and not Cain's. Many people think why faith is such an essential thing even in the case of an offering. It is also mentioned in the Bible very clearly in Hebrew 11.6 that, "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."

It is also clear from the Bible that, God like to us more when we performance His will and being obedient than offering Him sacrifices. It is clear in Psalms 40: 6-8 that, "Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou opened: burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required. Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart." Also in 1 Samuel 15:22 as, "Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams."

This is not only in the case of Old Testament. Even now, in the period of New Testament God is expecting as to offer Him worship, prayer and everything in faith. He also like us to see become more obedient by obeying His commandments than many sacrifices.

We should also have to notice the great love of God, even if Cain offered a sacrifice, which is of no regard in front of God. God told Cain that, how to lift up countenance to sacrifice better offering next time and He also give warning to Cain that, 'sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it."

We can thank God for we get such an awesome loving God. May God bless all of you to be fruitful with this answer to offer Him sacrifices of faith.