06 September 2013

What are Demons or Unclean spirits?

What are Demons or Unclean spirits? Are demons real? What do demons do? How are demons originated? Who created demons?


Demons which are also known as
Unclean spirits are very real and they still exist on the face of earth. The details about demons are very interesting for those who have interest in spiritual things. There are many things we can understand from bible about demons.

Demons are a type of spiritual beings that exist on the face of earth (Mt.12:43). There are many of them and they go from one place to another by walking and they goes through dry places seeking rest (Mt.12:43). They are able to communicate to other demons and human beings (Mt.12:45, Mk.5:8). They have names, groups and specific tasks (Mk.5:9, Mk.9:25, Mt.12:45). They have grades based on wickedness and have unity with each other (Mt.12:45, Mk.5:12).

They are not visible to human eyes (Mk.5:9). They are able to go inside and abide inside a human being or an animal (Mk.8:8,12). Many of them can abide inside one human being or animal as well (Mk.5:13).
They cannot do things in the physical world themselves. They can do things in the physical world and communicate by inspiring and controlling a living organism after entering inside it (Mk.5:3,9). They can affect the common sense of a human being and even increase the physical strength of a person when abiding in them (Mk.5:4,5,15).

They know very well that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and they even worship Jesus Christ (Mk.5:6,7). They know Jesus Christ will grand them what they beg(Mk.5:7,12,13). They know they will be tormented by Jesus Christ in the appointed time, which is the judgement day and they also know when is the appointed time (Mt.8:29)

These are the important information about demons from bible. If you found it interesting, it is even more interesting to understand what are these demons, how did they originated and why they remains.
Demons are first originated in the time of Noah. They were created by the death of giants who were born by the mating of human beings and fallen angels. We will get a partial understanding about this from the bible and clear understanding from the Book of Enoch. (Book of Enoch is not included in bible, but quoted in the bible, Jude 1:14, Deut.13:2,3)

The summary of what happened is as follows. A group of angels(sons of God) of God, fall in love(lusted upon) with the daughters of men who were fair and they decided to go down to the earth from the heaven. Angels have spiritual body which is kind of invisible for normal human beings and can transform into material bodies which is like similar to human bodies. They married the daughters of men.

The daughters of men who were conceived by the angels of God produced a new variety of human beings called giants. They were bigger, stronger and skilled than normal human beings. The spirit of these giants were different from that of human spirit which God created. Their spirit was neither human spirit, not the spirit of an angel, but a cross of human and angel spirit. They started doing lot of evil things with strength and skills better than human beings and wisdom and knowledge from their fathers, the fallen angels.

The whole earth became wicked because of them. So God decided and destroyed the first set of giants(produced by the first set of fallen angels) by the flood he made at the time of Noah. Then God destroyed the second set of giants(produced by the second set of fallen angels after flood) by his army of the people of Israel and gradually all of them are destroyed from the face of earth.

Thus physically they were destroyed and decomposed to earth as any other creature, but their spirit remained. God let their spirits to be on the face of earth until the day of judgement, for it is neither pure human spirit,  nor pure angel spirit. These spirits of giants are called demons or unclean spirits. In simple words, demons are the spirit of dead giants who once lived in earth.
The demons have similarity with human spirit which help them to abide inside human beings and to control them. With divine authority from Jesus Christ, it is possible to cast demons out from the possessed human beings. We cannot destroy them or send them to hell with that authority as some people suppose. Also demons are not fallen angels and both of them are different.

Demons cannot do anything in the physical world themselves because they are spiritual beings. They abide in human beings because of that. Their primary wish is to destroy human beings.
More information about this can be found in the Book of Enoch: I'm quoting the main chapter below.

Chapter 14 : 1. And He answered and said to me, and I heard His voice: 'Fear not, Enoch, thou righteous man and scribe of righteousness: approach hither and hear my voice. 2. And go, say to ⌈⌈the Watchers of heaven⌉⌉, who have sent thee to intercede ⌈⌈for them: "You should intercede"⌉⌉ for men, and not men for you: 3. Wherefore have ye left the high, holy, and eternal heaven, and lain with women, and defiled yourselves with the daughters of men and taken to yourselves wives, and done like the children of earth, and begotten giants (as your) sons? 4. And though ye were holy, spiritual, living the eternal life, you have defiled yourselves with the blood of women, and have begotten (children) with the blood of flesh, and, as the children of men, have lusted after flesh and blood as those ⌈also⌉ do who die and perish. 5. Therefore have I given them wives also that they might impregnate them, and beget children by them, that thus nothing might be wanting to them on earth. 6. But you were ⌈formerly⌉ spiritual, living the eternal life, and immortal for all generations of the world. 7. And therefore I have not appointed wives for you; for as for the spiritual ones of the heaven, in heaven is their dwelling. 8. And now, the giants, who are produced from the spirits and flesh, shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, and on the earth shall be their dwelling. 9. Evil spirits have proceeded from their bodies; because they are born from men, ⌈⌈and⌉⌉ from the holy Watchers is their beginning and primal origin; ⌈they shall be evil spirits on earth, and⌉ evil spirits shall they be called. [10. As for the spirits of heaven, in heaven shall be their dwelling, but as for the spirits of the earth which were born upon the earth, on the earth shall be their dwelling.] 11. And the spirits of the giants afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction on the earth, and cause trouble: they take no food, ⌈but nevertheless hunger⌉ and thirst, and cause offences. And these spirits shall rise up against the children of men and against the women, because they have proceeded ⌈from them⌉.


  1. I believe in God and the Devil but I'm not religious... Lets just say I don't believe in none of that. Because I'm not 100% sure that god exists. So are demons real and like do they haunt your house? Just curious.

  2. Demon attracted to my daughter?
    My 18 year old daughter is a really sweet and smart girl, she's been saved more than once because our church thought she REALLY needed it. They saved her 4 times because she's a bit odd, but everyone's odd in their own way. We left that church because they had multiple preachers from different churches come lay hands on my daughter which scared her because there was nothing wrong with her. I took her to Bible study and the women there saved her, after that she got tired of it and would get angry when people tried to do it over and over again. She hasn't been baptized yet.
    Lately, there's been this presence around her that I can't really explain. She says she doesn't notice anything. When she comes to visit, if I go into her room it feels like something is blocking me and pushing me away from her door. I've seen a black silhouette around her multiple times, just standing over her or beside her or sitting next to her. I went to ask her to clean her room and she was reading a book, I saw the silhouette behind her kind of holding her like a boyfriend would. I call her when she's at school and the phone goes out or I can't hear her over the static. There was a time when we were talking and her voice distorted so much over the phone that it sounded demonic. She said she didn't notice anything was wrong with her phone and that she thought I hung up on her.
    Things in her room or around her keep falling over. Heavy things like the trunk under her bed, her laptop (which scared her) and stuff like that. If I go to punish her for something, I always hear a growl as soon as I raise my voice. I wake her up in the morning and she's always glaring at me before I even touch her, but she's not awake. She sleeps with her eyes open and it scares me. Her roommate says she's done the same thing to her and that it scared the crap out of her.
    My daughter has a crush on this boy in one of her classes and everytime she tries to speak to him, something happens to him. He'll fall over or get pushed out of the room before she can get to him. Someone might block her from him, but it's obvious he likes her too.

    Is there a demon attracted to my daughter? And if so, what do I do?
