13 January 2010

Can I lose my salvation?

Full Question:

Can I lose my salvation? If so, in what way? I believe in God, Jesus' resurrection, and that he died for my sins. But what does that really mean?


I would like to answer you this question very much, because of the importance of this question. Everyone can lose his salvation through many ways. To understand all those things clearly, first we have to understand what salvation is.

Salvation simply means 'being saved from the righteous judgment of God'. By the Ephesians 2:8-9, it is very clear that, no one can get saved through any good works. The process and reason behind salvation is, each and every person in this world sinned against God, by disobeying the commandments of God. The only Reward for sin is death. If so everyone had to Die. So God decided to give his only son Jesus t take the reward of sin from us. Jesus is not a sinner, But he died on the cross for our sins. By this act God placed Jesus as the Savior of Everyone. Now for all those who Believe and Accept Jesus by confessing will be saved.

Many people think that salvation is to escape from the Satan or hell, which is not so accurate. But salvation help us to escape from the judgment of God, which can result in condemnation in hell. All are saved by the process of salvation by grace through faith.

And finally, we can also look what is happening in the salvation. For an example, salvation is like a room created by Jesus. All are sinned and no one is perfect and we can't be perfect and sinless. As a solution for escaping from the judgment of God due to these, we receive Jesus Christ as our savior. Jesus have no sins and He is perfect. Saving is like we get into the room created by Jesus Christ, where our imperfection and sins are covered by the perfection and Holiness of Jesus Christ.

Now we can get into the point, can we lose our salvation? From the best of my knowledge there are three main ways in which a person may lose his/her salvation. The first one is by 'Backsliding'. Backsliding can be easily understand by the above example. It is an act in which we get out of the room created by Jesus and which will result again in sins and imperfections.

Second one is by 'Faith'. We can see in Ephesians 2:8 that, 'For by grace you have been saved through faith.' As we are saved through faith, we can also lose our salvation if we lose our faith. It is like an example in which you have been saved through an accident by hanging in a rope. Faith is like this rope in the case of salvation.

And third is by 'Gospel'. We are saved by the gospel of Jesus Christ as we see in Corinthians 15:1-2 that, "Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain." We can also understand this by the above example of the rope.

The reason for Jesus Christ's death and resurrection is also included in the above topic. Hope you understand the things in which we may lose our salvation. May God bless you with this answer and help you to hold-on your salvation until he returns.

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