13 January 2010

Can we criticize Jews for killing Jesus?

Full Quesion:

Is this a good response to people who criticize Jews for killing Jesus?
I don't mean to be offensive so don't get angry but, I have two questions. 1) If the Jews killed Jesus and Jesus died for your sins isn't his death a good thing? 2) If Jesus was the son of God how was it that a mortal was able to kill him?
please. I know, the Jews didn't kill Jesus.


Including me, many people used to ask this question to others and to themselves in their life that 'who killed Jesus Christ?' It is good to ask questions ourselves. But the main problem is, most of them are holding an entirely wrong and different answer for this question, without knowing the truth. I would like to answer this question so that no one will criticize the innocent for the death of Jesus.

First, the word 'killing' which you used in the question does not suit while talking about this because, the death of Jesus cannot be pictured as a murder and is not a murder. Jesus is the lord God, who came into this world from heaven, humbling himself to become the savior of the world. As He is God in his real form, no one can kill Him and we can see clearly in the Bible that, Jesus handing over his life according to his wish. So we can't call that incident as a murder and can't assume that someone killed Jesus.

Taking only the physical situations of the particular case, we can say that Jews or High priests or Roman soldiers or Iscariot Judah or Pilate or Satan were the cause of death of Jesus. But the death of Jesus was not physical. And the sufferings of Jesus was not carrying the cross or suffering the pain of his nails or the crown of thorns or the wounds in his body. Anyway we can see who is behind the death of Jesus.

Before that we need to know the reason, why Jesus died according to the Bible. Jesus was the son of God and was in heaven with God father and Holy Spirit. He was in the beginning and all things including humans are created through Him. But starting from the first human beings Adam and Eve, every human sinned. Thus the sin which entered into this world and brought all sorts of problems, troubles, diseases and curses. It also took the happiness, joy and peace of people. The only punishment for sin according to God and by His law is 'death'. But, if God bring this punishment into practice everyone have to die because all are sinners who fallen shortly from the God. God need to find a solution to save his people and so Jesus decided to come into this earth as a human being and to live in this world without any sins, but to die on the cross to establish a new way to take the sins of all people. By the death on the cross Jesus took victory over Satan and bring a solution for all sins, diseases and curses of human being. By His resurrection, He took victory over death and the fear of death. Then he went back to heaven to be seated near the father as he already is.

As Jesus Christ died on the cross for all the sinners, the ultimate reason for the death of Jesus is not the Jews or the Romans or the High Priests or Iscariot Judah. But it is me, you and all persons, who are sinners are the ultimate reason behind the death of Jesus. The real suffering of Jesus was to carry the sins of this world and to be a sacrifice. His suffering was in carrying the sins, curses, diseases and problems of me, you and all the people around us. He died for us.

So no person can or have the right to criticize others for they too are a real reason for the death of Jesus Christ. And the answers of your other questions are also included in the above. Hope you understand and may God bless you and everyone with this answer. God Bless You.

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