04 January 2010

Why God let little babies suffer?

Full Question:
If God is real why does he let little babies and children suffer?
Why would God let a little innocent baby be born only to let it die soon after? Why not intervene? What is the purpose of letting babies and children suffer from abuse, diseases, etc. and just let them die? It makes me so mad! If God is real why let this happen?


Many times people asked me similar types of questions at the time when they loose their loved or so. Sometimes I also have these types of question myself, but I asked the question to my God Jesus Christ and He given me a wonderful and the right answer and Here the answer is.

The truth is God is not a cruel God and He is never a cruel God. Did you ever think where do these babies coming from?, Most probably your answer may be that they are coming, when the babies parents have an intercourse. These is actually a wrong answer. If so, why all persons who have an intercourse conceive a baby and why many parents are still suffering without having a children.

Bible says the truth that children are the gift of a living God. An intercourse happened or not, God will have to decide weather a baby need to be conceived or not conceive. And when a conception occur, the sperm and the egg combine to form not the REAL baby. It only combine and become one cell and develop further to form the flesh, the body of that child only. Every human is a spirit actually, with a mind and staying inside a body as long as he lives in this earth. That is why we leave our body here when we die.

So body is coming from the sperm and egg combine. Then where is the actual man, that is his spirit coming from?
The answer is that the spirit of a human being is coming from the God. This process is like God taking a spirit from heaven and place it in earth at the time of conception of a baby.

Now listen, here is your answer.
When the baby die somehow, inside or outside from the womb, due to some lack of nutrients, proteins etc or accidents, abortions etc. The spirit in him will return again to God leaving the flesh here which occurred due to the sperm and egg.
And God is not behind the reason for the death of Baby anyway. In cases of abortion and all it is the parents fault, in accident its the parent's carelessness and in the case of lack of nutrients and vitamins, abuse and all is also due to the carelessness of parents.

All these are humans fault and no one can blame God for that. The human behind any such act should have to give account for God in one day.
When the spirit leaves a baby and return to God, God will just feel like the the baby's spirit moved from one place to another like in earth we say U.S to U.K. (heaven to earth and earth to heaven)
And for God, it is equal to we or our parents moving from house to office.
We are sad because we miss the baby, because the spirit of the baby left to heaven, which is not an accessible place for us.

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