03 January 2010

Who suffered more Jesus or babies?

Full Question: Who suffered more: Jesus on the cross for 6 hours, or unbaptized babies in a lake of fire forever?
Be honest. Spiritually speaking, the crucifixion was a mere slap on both wrists.


You are totally mistaken and you do not have any idea about the Bible, Jesus Christ or anything. It is even clear from your question that you are standing in a rebel mode with Jesus for no real reason. With this type of mentality you can't get anything from God and your life will lead you only to mistakes and misunderstandings one after the other.

The biggest mistake you have said that no where in Bible says unbaptized babies will thrown out to hell. Bible says those who reject the son of God, understanding that He is son of God, will be cast to hell, Because its the greatest gift of God. To understand all this things is possible with a teenager or a youth. And it is very  clear for any human that a baby or even a children is never a sinner for they have a clean mind.

God do not consider what a child says or done for God knows clearly that he was not even capable to understand what is right and wrong and what is sin and righteous for no way. Babies on its developing stage inside the womb of a mother have a spirit in it. No one really need to worry about that baby until it be old enough to understand the death of Jesus on the cross and the way of salvation. The baby will surely go to heaven even if that baby died at any stages of his life inside or outside the womb of a mother, before being an age capable to understand the great way of salvation.

It is so clear from the word of God that they have the ability to enter the heaven. You can see it in Matthew 18:3 which says, "and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye turn, and become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven." Here Jesus is mentioned not about the physical size, but about the goodness of their nature and their innocence. Because of this very reason for their nature is innocent., God by will no means throw them in the hell of fire.

The crucifixion of Jesus is also greatly misunderstood by you. The sufferings of Jesus was never to carry a cross and to stay in that cross for a 6 hours nailed in wrists and legs along with a thorn crown too, as you see in movies and pictures of Jesus. The sufferings of Jesus on the whole crucifixion was to carry the sins of all mankind and to pay His blood as a price for all loosing souls. It was also for the sins going to commit  by every baby when they become grown ups, if they believe.

In that case, of course, Jesus is the one who suffered more than some babies in the lake of fire forever. Jesus also died for your sins too. Leave this rebel mentality towards Jesus Christ and ask forgiveness to God. God is more than enough to forgive all your sins and to give you eternal life abundantly.

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